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Перевод Примеры
Чёрт не так чёрен, как его изображают // Всё может оказаться не так плохо, как предполагаешь на основании преувелИченных слУхов.

Ana. You are preparing some torment for me. Don Juan. All that is superstition, Ana. Reassure yourself. Remember : the devП is oot so black as he is painted. (В. Shaw)

Well, 1 must admit that the West Riding iso't as Ьаd as it's paioted. l've been pleasantly surprised since living here. (Вarstow) Не was never wittingly а hypocrite, but he had а genius for instinctively acting the most acceptable role. While he blamed himself with engaging frankness, he yet gave the impression that he hаd been painted blacker than he was. (Montresor)

That is what I mean bу infernal irony, bу the joke shared with the devil ... Sometimes it is а joy in the very heart of hell to tell the truth. And, above all to tell it so that everybody misunderstands it. That is why he liked that antic of pretending to Ье somebody else, and then painting himself as black- as he was. ( Chesterton)